Nokia 3109c

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Más información sobre el teléfono puede estar disponible en los siguientes sitios:

Funcionalidades soportadas


connection = irdaphonet

Nota de quien lo reportó

I didn't test logos, ringtones, mms. They might as well work.

Bad: Category-related stuff responds with "phone does not support this function" before ever checking -- I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do. Some of operations block in mid-process.

Good: The phone is exactly what it is advertised and very good at it: a phone. :) (Gammu is also thing that is advertised: a good tool to work with this phone).

Sobre el registro

Creado por Danya Alexeyevsky el 10 de junio de 2008 a las 04:02.

Probado con Gammu 1.20.0.

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