Sierra Wireless MC8781

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Funcionalidades soportadas


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Nota de quien lo reportó

Report has been created using Wammu 0.32.1.

The Sierra Wireless MC8781 is a mini PCI-express mobile broadband card for installation inside a laptop or netbook.

Making calls is not expected to be possible, since the device has no audio interface (that I am aware of). It is possible to view the list of previous outgoing calls, which I presume contains a list of data connections made.

The device is supported by the 'sierra' Linux kernel module, which provides /dev/ttyUSB2, through which Gammu can connect, provided that a mobile broadband session is not in progress. It is necessary to wait a while before using Gammu/Wammu after ending a mobile broadband connection.

Outgoing SMS messages do not acquire a date/time. I have assumed that this a shortcoming of the device itself.

Sobre el registro

Creado por Patrick Wigmore el 5 de mayo de 2011 a las 21:21.

Probado con Gammu 1.26.1.